How Long Does Teething Last?

How Long Does Teething Last?

May 31, 2021 6 min read

Teething bites! If you are a loving parent, then you certainly know the nightmare it can be for both you and your little angel. Today we will introduce you to the teething process.

How to recognize baby teething symptoms, dealing with swollen gums, and the teething timeline are a few of the questions we will answer. It's time to restore the happiness and comfort in your home!

How Long Does Teething Last?

Teething babies are unique!

While nobody can predict the exact timeframe for this process, the general rule is that it happens between 5 and 25 months of age. Your sweetie can experience symptoms earlier, and that's normal. If you have any concerns you should contact your pediatrician.

Drooling, sore gums, irritability, and crying are some common signs that your baby is going to have a white buddy appear. If your child begins their teething stage then you can expect a timeline of 8 days for each individual tooth to fully erupt.

Let's examine each part of the teething phase, when it starts, how long it lasts, and how to soothe the pain of a teething baby. It's our responsibility to take the best care of our small ones!

Teething Babies - Timeline & Stages

Baby teething usually begins between the ages of 4 and 8 months, but it can happen sooner or later. As a general rule, your baby's teeth will most likely appear during the following time periods:

4 to 8 months

The teething process starts during this period. The lower central incisors, also known as the two central teeth, are usually the first to cut.

Your baby will be very curious at this age and you should watch for any small items within your kid's reach during teething because they'll try to put something in their mouth!

8 to 16 months

Your baby's upper central incisors (the upper middle teeth), will surface after the 8th month. Additionally, their top and bottom teeth, which are adjacent to the middle ones, can appear between 9 and 16 months (lower and upper lateral incisors).

Typical teething symptoms are common during this period, but parents should also remember that their kids will become very mobile at this age as well.

12 to 24 months

Your child's first molars will usually pop at the bottom and top at the same time between the ages of 13 and 19 months old. Your toddler's canine teeth (the pointy, sharp ones) will most likely appear on both the bottom and top rows during this time period as well.

24 to 32 months

A toddler's second molars (very back teeth) emerge on the bottom during the final stage of teething. Although the majority of the indicators are common in both toddlers and infants, there are some variations when your child gets older.

The main difference is the ability of your kid to tell if they experience teething pain. Some children won't experience that much pain, but others will have molars causing them discomfort. Every white soldier cuts differently, so pay attention!

Baby Teething Symptoms

When a tooth appears it can be suddenly, but most of the time, you will notice some of the following symptoms just before a tooth cuts:


The king of all symptoms is excessive drooling when teething begins. Babies will turn into a fountain and parents should gently clean their chins during the day and keep extra clothes for changing.

Extra saliva can aid in the relief of sore baby's gums, so don't worry. Drooling excessively can cause skin irritation and rashes on the other hand, so pay close attention.

Coughing & Spitting

Babies will spit and cough due to a constant flow of saliva in their mouths. This isn't a cause for worry if your baby doesn't have any other indicators of a cold, fever, or allergies.

Call your doctor if your infant experiences negative signs like diarrhea, excessive rash, swelling, or complete loss of appetite.


Teeth erupt from under the gums, and they can cause a lot of pain in babies, which can be relieved by using counter-pressure techniques like chewing their fingers.

You don't have to think about it as long as it's within usual limits, just make sure they don't touch something dangerous! Babies will be sucking on everything they can reach.

Irritability & Crying

Your baby's mouth will ache as the tiny tooth presses against the child's gums and pokes above the surface. Your child could be a little more fussy and whiny than usual. Even though it will not be a pleasant experience, you will be able to get through it with the aid of the remedies we will provide.

If your baby experiences these, it's a sign that they will have their first tooth, so congrats! You can relieve their pain with the tips we will give you!

Is Early Or Delayed Teething Alright?

Your baby's first teeth are a special part of the magical journey of them growing up. Even though most babies follow the timeline we showed you it's important to remember that a child's teeth are really unpredictable and you shouldn't stress out that much about the teething period.

If your baby is healthy, you're going to their dentist regularly and are providing them the necessary nutrition, then your kid will grow big and strong. In case the first baby's tooth comes a bit early, you will know how to soothe any discomfort of your kid.

On the other hand, if teething starts a bit late in your family, then you should still be looking for the most common teething symptoms just before a tooth eruption occurs.

Taking Care of Baby's Gums

Parents need to take extra care of their loved ones when teeth start to erupt. We should avoid the formation of any tooth decay, pain that will make your baby uncomfortable, and bad relief practices that have been pushed in recent years.

You can give them a teething aid like a wet washcloth or a teething ring to help them with their teething. You can also choose a treatment from the following list:

Cold Temperatures

Many home remedies are founded on the idea of giving cold foods to make them feel better. You have a lot of choices, from cold beverages to frozen fruits, but you should always offer them in small amounts to avoid choking and aggravation of the throat.

Pain Relievers

There are a lot of new sketchy products that promise to reduce teething discomfort. Make sure to consult with your pediatric dentist first before using any teething gels, or other substances. Teething can be a frustrating time, but you should never risk your child's health!


Rubber teething rings to softΒ plush teething toys promise relief for babies all around the world. Again parents should contact the baby's doctor before making any decisions about the safety of their toddlers when using special products. There's also the possibility that a teething accessory will harbor bacteria or cause mouth injuries if your child bites a lot.

The Baby's first tooth should be met with good hygiene. Keep a steady routine and always use a clean finger when rubbing their teeth. Wash them carefully with water and a soft, baby toothbrush.

How About Amber Teething Necklaces?

While most teething toys aren't supported by evidence, high-quality baltic products are shown to soothe the discomfort for many babies. When new teeth emerge, your little one can experience a very difficult time. They may bite their finger, have trouble feeding and chew everything they can.

Using a baltic amber teething necklace can be a lifesaver when teeth make an appearance. It will reduce irritation thanks to the succinic acid it contains and it's an excellent choice for young children. Babies older than 6 months of age will benefit from it the most!

Make sure to monitor your baby closely and never let them sleep with jewelry on, to prevent a choking hazard from the necklace breaking. Your baby can pull or chew the pieces, but make sure they don't eat them.


Your kid's first tooth can be a journey from beautiful memories and pictures of this milestone to sleepless nights. First molars, second molars, your baby will get a full set of pearly whites as it gets older.

Your job as a parent is to support them, gently brush their teeth and call your pediatrician if you are concerned about anything not typical for a teething baby. Most babies will have a full set at 32 months of age.

Teething can take a long time for babies because they can develop multiple teeth at the same time. The most important thing to remember when your baby is teething is to maintain good oral hygiene and seek the help of a health professional if you are concerned.


  1. How long does it take for an emerging tooth to fully appear?Β - Teething lasts about eight days, usually 4 days before the tooth emerges from the gums and 3 days after. A bluish-grey blister can appear where it's about to emerge, as a sign. This is normal and goes away on its own.
  2. What are the worst teeth to cut? - The worst are canines. Molars are also horrible. But something about those huge, sharp, pointy ones transforms a cute, innocent child into a wailing, miserable terror.
  3. What stage of teething hurts the most?- Molars are the largest teeth, and for some youngsters, the most painful part of the teething process. Always support your child during this painful and uncomfortable time!

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