Can Teething Cause Vomiting In Babies - Is It Normal and What Can You Do About It?

Can Teething Cause Vomiting In Babies - Is It Normal and What Can You Do About It?

June 09, 2021 7 min read

One of the most unpredictable periods of your child's growth is teething. This process is very complex and can come with a range of difficulties for new parents.

If your child is having baby teeth, they may experience fussiness, vomiting, fever, cough, diarrhea, and other unpleasant signs, like tears, which indicate that your baby is cutting a new tooth. Let's see how teething and vomiting are related and when you should consider taking your kid to a doctor.

Let's start with a quick overview on teething

Teething occurs when an infant's teeth break through the gums for the first time. This usually happens between the ages of six and twelve months.

The lower jaw's two front teeth normally appear first, followed by the other front teeth. In most cases, the molars are the next to break through, followed by the canines. Children normally get their full set of 20 baby teeth by the age of three. Feel free to check our article on how long does teething last for more information.

Teething is often blamed for a variety of symptoms since it occurs over such a long period of time. However, it's more likely that these new symptoms are caused by another ailment, such as an infection.

On the other hand, symptoms such as vomiting can be an issue and should not be overlooked.

Common Teething Symptoms

It can be helpful to understand which symptoms are normal and which are not when it comes to teething as there are some that occurs more often that others.

Is Vomiting One Of The Symptoms Of Teething?

Teething may make newborns uncomfortable, but it is unlikely to cause them to vomit, according to a study from eight nations. Doctors and caregivers may be neglecting the true cause of the illness by presuming that teething causes vomiting or fever.

According to a study published in Pediatrics in Review, an infant's teething occurs at the same time that they begin to be exposed to several childhood ailments. At this stage, the passive immunity that the mother passed on to them while they were still in the womb begins to wane.

As a result, vomiting at this time is most likely caused by a bacterial or viral infection. An infant's vomiting can be caused by a variety of ailments, including the common cold, flu, ear infection, stomach infection, urine infection, or gastroenteritis. See your doctor for the best advice!

Some of the Most Common Symptoms of Teething

  • Drooling -Wait until your child starts teething to notice how much saliva production they can create. It'll go to a whole other level, leaving you wondering how someone with such a little mouth can create so much drooling. Unfortunately, excessive saliva can lead to another condition - soreness on the chin.
  • Coughing & Spitting -Babies might spit and cough due to a constant flow of saliva in their mouth. This isn't a cause for concern if your kid doesn't have any other serious symptoms of flu, cold, or allergies.
  • Biting -Teeth protruding from behind the gums may cause a lot of pain in your child, which can be relieved by using counter-pressure techniques like chewing and biting their fingers or other items. You don't have to worry about it as long as it's within normal limits, but make sure they don't come into touch with anything hazardous!
  • Irritability & Crying -Your baby's mouth will be in pain as the little tooth presses against the gums and pokes above the surface. You may see them exhibit unusual fussiness and be more whiny than normal. This can cause a lot of stress and lack of sleep! Even though it will not be a pleasant experience, you will be able to get through it with the aid of the treatments we will supply.
  • Lowered appetite and trouble feeding -Angry newborns, whether it's a bottle of milk or their mother's breast, seek anything to put in their mouths. Nursing suctioning, on the other hand, might irritate a teething baby's painful gums. That's why teething babies can be fussy about what they eat and feel discomfort and experience stomach ache. It's typical for your baby to have a loss of appetite at this time, but make sure the get the nutrients they need, such as breast milk! Pay attention to food sensitivities.

Check our guide for more information on what is teething and its symptoms.

Why Do Babies Vomit When Teething?

Teething occurs for a significant portion of baby's life, and at a period when your kid is already experiencing a lot of developing discomfort. As a result, symptoms like vomiting are frequently mistakenly attributed to teething.

Vomiting is frequently caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Vomiting might happen at the same time as teething symptoms. Teething is frequently blamed for vomiting by parents and caregivers, however, the symptoms are rarely linked.

Teething may make infants uncomfortable, but it is unlikely to cause them to vomit, according to research from eight nations.

Doctors and caregivers may be neglecting the true cause of the illness by presuming that teething causes vomiting or fever.

Remedies and Medications For Baby Vomiting

When your baby starts teething, it's time to take care of the pain with the best treatment available. Infant teeth are fragile and should be handled with care.

Every baby is different, and the outcome for yours may differ, but here are some suggestions from professional dentists for recovery:

  • Frozen cloth: Your child will find relief chewing on a rag that has been wet and chilled in the refrigerator for less than 30 minutes. If you're going to give it to your child frozen, thaw it first so it can soften.
  • Rings and toys: Some of these can be frozen to provide relief, but avoid freezing those that contain gel, rubber, or other sensitive components.
  • Teething biscuits: It's a good idea to start utilizing these or give them exposure to similar hard food such as vegetables when your child is eight to twelve months of age.

Remember:Just because an advertisement promises a remedy doesn't mean it's a good medication. Always double-check if the efficacy of pain relievers is backed up by research!

Should You Use Teething Necklaces or Bracelets?

While most teething toys aren't backed up by research, high-quality Baltic amber necklaces or teething bracelets have been proved to help many newborns feel better. Your child may have a tough time adjusting to their new tooth. They may bite their finger, have difficulty eating, and chew whatever they can get their hands on.

When tooth eruption starts, a Baltic amber teething necklace might be a lifesaver. It includes succinic acid, which reduces irritation and is an ideal choice for young children. It will be most beneficial to babies older than 6 months! Remember that gums need extra care from parents.

To avoid a choking hazard from a necklace breaking, keep a constant eye on your baby and never let them sleep with jewelry on. Make sure your infant does not ingest the pieces by pulling or chewing them. 

When Should I Call A Doctor About Child Vomiting?

If your kid is exhibiting symptoms like fever, vomiting, being irritable, or diarrhea, or any other signs of pediatric sickness, and you're not sure if it's teething or something else, it's important to call your healthcare service practitioner for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Many of the symptoms of teething might be confused with those of other illnesses. If you suspect your child has acquired infections, edema, irritability, shortness of breath, signs of inflammation, etc., make an appointment with your physician right away!

If your kid develops significant infection symptoms, you should contact your family doctor right away. Infants are extremely vulnerable, and even a minor fever can be deadly, so never gamble with their health!

If you think there is a sign of some discomfort that isn't caused by teething, immediately seek the child's pediatrician!


Teething symptoms differ from one baby to the next. When a baby's teeth come in, he or she may have no symptoms at all.

Others may get agitated, slobber, lose their appetite, or cry more frequently than normal.

Vomiting may accompany the development of these symptoms in certain situations. Teething and vomiting are frequently linked together, but what does your doctor or dentist say?

The majority of specialists now concur that teething does not cause vomiting, fever, rash, or diarrhea. Infants who vomit should see a doctor or a pediatrician to find out what's causing it. Children are unique and their bodies will go through many developmental changes.

If you are interested in reading other health topics, make sure to check our blog and subscribe to our newsletters. We love sharing our experience with parents, so we can give the best care to the little ones. 

Please, share your experience with teething and if it caused vomiting in your baby in the comments!

Note that the health information on this website isn't a substitute for actual medical advice. We consult with the best experts in pediatrics in the country, but cases may vary, so ask yours as well!


  1. Is an Upset stomach a sign of teething? - There is much information and many explanations about the two, but it's important to remember that most likely it's not the reason that causes throwing up. While teething is a normal developmental period of your infant, an upset stomach can be a symptom of bad bacteria or the risk of a more serious illness.
  2. Do babies spit up more when teething?- If we could name just one symptom that's seen across every infant, all the information we've seen would say it's drooling. As soon as you see your baby start teething our advice is to take them to a dentist to check if everything is alright.
  3. Can you stop your child from throwing up?- Even though teething and vomiting aren't correlated and you can't predict when your baby will want to throw up, you can follow these instructions: First, if your baby has just vomited, wait 30 to 60 minutes and give him some fluids to keep him hydrated. After some time, try to give him about 1 to 2 teaspoons of breastmilk, and if your child is older, give him some bland foods like applesauce or pear puree. Make sure that your baby is comfortable!

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