Conquer Disease with the Right Mindset

Heal Yourself From Disease with Amber

November 14, 2018 3 min read

Heal the Mind, Heal the Body 

There is plenty of debate concerning willpower and the effect it has on disease. When sickness comes, it is hard to push away all the negative thoughts – in fact, the idea is completely unrealistic. Still, those who continue to remain as positive as they can through such an event (or any for that matter) seem to know how to cast those feelings to the side and enjoy all the good in their lives. These blissful thinkers tend to be in the healthiest of conditions as well. It may sound too good to be true or downright annoying to hear that such advice when doing through a serious ailment for some. Still, there is evidence that optimism, hope, and most of all, believing you can take control of your life again, helps improve health as well as speed up recovery.

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Maintain a Positive Outlook

Everything about our body is not all figured out to this day. There are some situations, even if they are good, that cannot be answered. The same goes for why those who look at the brighter side of a dark event tend to recover faster, live longer, or even be healed from diseases such as AIDS, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. There is an Image result for heal the mind increasing amount if evidence that suggests the there is a strong relationship with the mind and the immune system. Looking at it from the opposite spectrum, pessimism makes people stress out, elevating stress hormones in the blood which can wear out the organs and body over time.  The level of stress one has plays a major role in allowing the body to cope with disease.

Melt the Stress

Although we are inherently positive people, situations such as a disease can put many through a state of hopelessness and depression. While it may seem hard to break, an attitude change is one of the first things you need to do, even if it is temporary.

Continue to Smile: Doing something as simple as smiling helps lower blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones. Do not feel guilty about humoring yourself more often whether if it is by going out or watching an amusing video.

Stay Surrounded with Loved Ones: One of the worst things a person can do is isolate themselves from everyone. The people you cared about before will still love you regardless, wanting to help in any way they can. Help can be hard to accept for some because of not wanting to be weak, but this couldn’t be any more further from the truth. Adapting to a new situation can take time so people should allow themselves the reorientation they need. 

Clearing the Mind: Keeping yourself distracted and not thinking about the complications of  a disease is beneficial for you. The combination of a clear mind and stress reduction are possible with meditation, tai-chi, prayer, and yoga. Ones perspective naturally shifts for the better when starting any or all of these alleviating activities.

Stay Positive with Amber

You may not always be able to change every circumstance in your life, but you can most certainly change your attitude which does have an influence on the course of an illness. Baltic Essentials Amber Rainbow Necklace can help you heal your mind body by decreasing stress and promoting a positive mind. The necklace contains amber that helps ease pain and inflammation naturally. It also contains pink rose quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli, turquoise, red agate, aventurine and chrysocolla that help free you from anxiety and stress. It also detoxifies the body, and relaxes the mind while promoting an enhanced sense of well-being, self-worth and energy. Amber can help you free yourself from negativity and stress from the “dis-ease” so you can live life again and feel better when you conquer your disease. 

Baltic Amber Necklace - Half Back Baltic Amber Teen Adult 17 Inch Necklace Rainbow Honey Amber Pink Rose Quartz Red Agate Aventurine Cyrsocolla



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