Fight Back: Attacking Painful Pimples

Treating Pimples Naturally

November 14, 2018 3 min read

Getting Painful Pimples

For something so small, pimples can pack quite the punch on a person, whether it's  physically or emotionally. The pain is often intensified if we dare to pop it which may or may not be successful. Even the aftermath of popping a pimple is ugly as it invites scabs and scars. The reason pimples sometimes hurt is because the pore has become infected due to the collect of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. This causes the body to fight back to kill the infection, wrapping the infected pore in a secluded bubble where inflammation takes place. The level of pain also depends how close the area is pushed against a nerve. It helps to implement a routine to reduce to eliminate the appearance of acne, but should the enemy decide to appear, there are a few things you can do to get rid of it quick while easing the pain.

Addressing the Pimple

There are a few methods you can try to banish the pimple(s). Try one or all to see what works best for your problem and skin type. Of course, keeping your skin clean and trying not to touch it should be remembered.

Getting Painful Pimples

For something so small, pimples can pack quite the punch on a person, whether it's  physically or emotionally. The pain is often intensified if we dare to pop it which may or may not be successful. Even the aftermath of popping a pimple is ugly as it invites scabs and scars. The reason pimples sometimes hurt is because the pore has become infected due to the collect of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. This causes the body to fight back to kill the infection, wrapping the infected pore in a secluded bubble where inflammation takes place. The level of pain also depends how close the area is pushed against a nerve. It helps to implement a routine to reduce to eliminate the appearance of acne, but should the enemy decide to appear, there are a few things you can do to get rid of it quick while easing the pain.

Addressing the Pimple

There are a few methods you can try to banish the pimple(s). Try one or all to see what works best for your problem and skin type. Of course, keeping your skin clean and trying not to touch it should be remembered.

      1. One of the most helpful, and immediate, ways to relieve the pain to apply ice to the area. It's best to apply to the area for five minutes on and off for no more than 30 minutes.

      2. Typically, painful pimples do not head a head and they are embedded deep within the skin so drawing it up to the surface by applying a heat cloth can also be beneficial (other than the clay mask). As with the ice, apply it for 5 minutes on and off up to half an hour.

      3. The cooling sensation of peppermint and tea tree oil can also ease the pain as it heals the pimple by cleansing the area while drying it out. Remember to dilute the oil. It may be wash off or left over night.

      4. Clay masks have ability to draw out toxins and impurities from the skin and speed up the healing process. It is best to keep apply them to the spot for no more than 15-30 minutes.

As a side note, if you notice a pimple is especially deep, hard, and sore to the touch, you may be experiencing Cystic Acne. This form often requires alternative methods to get rid of it for good.

Healing Pimples from the Inside Out

Pimples stem from within our body just as much as they can occur from outside sources. Understanding how acne is formed is the true key to getting rid of the pimple and the pain one may experience from it. Inflammation is often the source of pain yet it is needed to fight off infections. Nonetheless, preventing and limiting its length when it is no longer necessary is just as much as an important factor in getting rid of pimples. Baltic Essentials Hazelwood is a powerful healer that carries anti-inflammatory properties capable of treating painful pimples naturally and preventing acne from returning. The active agent,acetylsalicylic acid, is released from the wood when they are worn, and it is sent directly into the bloodstream where the benefits begin to work internally within a matter of minutes to hours.

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