Enhancing the Mother-Baby Bond

Enhancing the Mother-Baby Bond

February 21, 2018 3 min read

The Bond that Started with Conception

Learning that you are pregnant for the first time (or again) is always exciting news as mothers begin to envision how their baby will behave or look like. Although Related imagemothers may not get to see them for another nine months, that does not stop the wondrous bonding that occurs and strengthens once the baby starts moving. After the long wait is over and the baby is born, looking at their faces can feel as if we are looking at a mirror as mothers see their reflection, their physical features, as they gaze at their little one. While the baby never got a chance to see their mom before birth either, it is amazing how they can recognize their mothers' voice, and appear to be the most calm when they are held in their arms.

How Important is Bonding?

Believe it or not, our maternal instincts on bonding provide the infant self-esteem and a sense of security. Once the baby is born, it is important that mothers are given the chance to bond with their baby right after birth. This bonding is continued Image result for mother and babypost-delivery by remaining connected by stroking the baby's hair, touching their skin or feeding them. Babies feel an immense sense of security when they are bonding with their mothers. Other than physically connecting, mothers can feel closer with their baby by interacting with them. Talking with them, smiling with them and showing your infant interesting things help stimulate them in the best of ways.

What if I Have Trouble Bonding?

The first thing to keep in mind if you have issues bonding with your baby from start is to not feel guilty. Women who delivered via cesarean section or gave birth to a premature or sick infant who was transported to NICU typically have this difficulty. Sometimes the connection is not always instant for mothers, and it cRelated imagean take time. Moms often discover that attachment to their baby develops as they grow and take care of them. Other common reasons for lack of mother-infant bonding include:

  • Postpartum Maternal Depression 
  • A History of Illness
  • Lack of a Positive Role Model
  • Stressors in Life (finances, work)
  • Abuse or Other Forms of Martial Issues

Great Ways to Bond With Your Baby

  1. Quality Time: Togetherness may just be the trick to connect with your infant. Spend as much time with them at home by allowing them to remain with you on a slinger or carrier, singing, carrying them on your lap or remaining with them until they go to sleep. Skin-to-skin contact, or kangaroo care, and it's calming effects on the child should not be underestimated either
  2. Ask for Time in the Hospital Setting: If your baby has complications, staff will still be more than happy to allow you to be with them and even help out with a few of the tasks. Moms can also request to keep their baby in the same room with them.
  3. Heart Stone Jewelry for Mommy and Baby: Stress and anxiety has a way of negatively affecting ones emotions. Baltic Amber and Pink Rose Quartz Necklacecan help enhance the mother-infant bond naturally. Rose Quartz is globally recognized as the Heart Stone speaks directly to the heart chakra in a very powerful way. It can emit positive energy of unconditional love, nurturing, peace and comfort; it opens the heart to both give and receive love. Rose Quartz is used also for disseminating emotional wounds and fears and has been used as a relationship talisman since 600 B.C.  Baltic Amber is prized for its high content of succinic acid, an element that helps to naturally reduce pain and inflammation. These two stones come together as the perfect solution to help ease your anxieties over being a new parent or the mother of another child and help your new adopted baby know that she is loved beyond words. Plus, who could deny that it's always adorable to match with your baby?

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