5 Tips to Try if You Have Back Pain

Help for Back Pain

November 14, 2018 3 min read

 Back Pain is Common

Other than the common cold, back pain is a primary reason why people visit the doctor or go to see an orthopedist – and why wouldn’t it?  Our back is the core of our body, and we move it for just about every activity. Fortunately, 90% of people experience acute back pain, meaning it will go away within a matter of days or weeks. The other 10% of back pain is chronic, and is typical for those suffering with a disorder. Regardless, symptoms between the two are similar and range from shooting or stabbing pain to muscle aches that results in limited movement, flexibility, and inability to stand upright. 

Tips That Help Soothe Your Back

  1. Alternate between Hot and Cold:Compresses really can help alleviate uncomfortable sensations due to injuries. It can also reduce the amount of swelling and feelings of numbness. When you first notice any of these signs, you should apply a cold compress to the area first followed by a hot compress after 48 hours. Switching between the two in this order helps restore normal blood flow. Back Pain
  1. Resist the Temptation to Stay in Bed: Contrary to popular belief, resting your body after an injury is not best. While you do want to rest to some degree for a few hours when you must, you do not want to remain in bed for several days until it gets better or goes away. It is better to walk around engaging in some type of light activity if you want to treat back pain sooner.
  1. Keep Your Body Balanced: Proper range of movement when lifting and moving items are a must. It is best to bend your knees when picking up things. It makes a difference to sit straight on a chair and to try not to sit or stand too quickly – your posture means everything.
  1. Supplements and Herbs:The combination of magnesium and calcium are a force to be reckoned with in regards to reducing muscle spasms. One study found that the pair eased the severity of pain and enhanced lumbar spine movement in those with lower back issues. Glucosamine sulfate is another supplement that can treat back pain in individuals who experience it due to arthritis. Herbal options such as Arnica and Bryonia help ease chronic lower back pain when combined with physical therapy.
  1. Yoga:Stretching your back muscles is extremely therapeutic as it helps reduce the perception of pain, loosens tightened areas, rebuilds strength, range of motion, and aids in relaxation. Try these six stretches out:
  • Knee to ChestBack Pain
  • Seated Piriformis Stretch
  • Cat-Cow Pose
  • Restful Pose
  • Lying Knee Twist
  • Cobra Stretch

Treating back pain can be tricky and although it is extremely common, it’s one of the many issues medicine has not yet found a genuine “cure” for.

Natural Option for Back Pain

Baltic Essentials Amber can help reduce or eliminate feelings of back pain in less than an hour. Amber has been used for decades as a way to treat discomfort although many are not familiar with it today. It can reduce both intensity and swelling due to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties from the resin it secretes from the beads. This resin goes directly to the bloodstream where it heals the inured area at the source instead of blocking the transmission of pain to the brain like traditional medications do.  The amber can be worn all day although it is advised not to wear the necklace when sleeping to prevent choking (especially when kids or older adults are wearing it). It may be used alone or in addition to anything you are doing without having to worry about side effects

Baltic Essentials Amber Necklace for Back Pain

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