Seven Natural Remedies for Acne

Heal Acne Naturally

May 03, 2019 3 min read 1 Comment

 How can I Banish Pimples?

It is tough to say there is a single product out there that can completely get rid of pimples because what works for one person may not work for another. When it comes down to it, getting clearer skin has little to do with following the exact routine a person follows – it is all about experimenting. Still, there is a reason why there are certain skincare routines and treatment options that work for a handful of people. It may help reduce excess oil production or it could stop unwanted bacteria in its tracks.

If traditional acne products are not working as well as you would like them to, here are a few natural remedies you could try to treat acne on your own.

1 - Clay MasksClay Masks

Clay masks (bentonite, kaolin, rhassoul) are beneficial for those looking to have great skin due to its powerful absorbing powers that gets red of toxins, bacteria, sebum, blackheads, whiteheads, and dead skin. While doing this, it also delivers oxygen and circulation to the face. As it gets rid of things we do not want on our face, clays are filled with minerals that are transferred to the skin for the body to use (many of which we are deficit in).

2 - Exfoliate

Exfoliating the skin, at least weekly, will help remove debris and dead skin on the surface of your skin. The key in using the right exfoliator is choosing the correct level of abrasion based on your skin type (sensitive, normal). For example, a gentle exfoliant like oatmeal is perfect for those with delicate skin, and a mineral based exfoliate such as sea salt will yield the best results for those with normal to combination skin. Honey, coconut oil, and kefir are excellent bases to blend with the exfoliant of your choice due to their healing and bacteria fighting properties.


3 – Garlic

Garlic is nature’s incredible antibacterial that can help stop pimples when it is eaten or applied on the affected area. If you decide to use it topically, slice a portion of the clove thinly to get to the juice before placing it on the problem area. Alternatively, you may blend the garlic clove. Be sure to keep it on your skin for at least 10-30 minutes.

4- Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider may not smell appealing, but what it can do for the body, inside and out, Apple Cider Vinegarmakes up for it. You can drink it or apply it directly to the spot you wish, and be sure to dilute it with water to find the best solution that works for you. While it is a powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, apple cider is equally refreshing. Raw, unfiltered apple cider is suggested because it is filled with the most nutrients. It can be used as a spot treatment when you are breaking out or as an overall toner for the face after cleansing.

5- Cornstarch

Many would not think that cornstarch is not good for anything other than cooking, but it is a splendid natural remedy that is soothing and gentle. It is ideal for those struggling with irritation and redness. Cornstarch may be used as a face mask or added only to areas of concern. It should be left on for at least 15-20 minutes, but it is safe enough to leave on overnight to see an incredible change.

6 - Egg Whites

Adding egg whites to your skin routine is sure to make a difference in not just helping fight pimples, but improving the overall texture and appearance. This cheap facial mask will even help decrease oil, the appearance of pores, and draw out any impurities. In order to achieve the best results, you should leave it on your skin until it is completely dry (as evidenced by a tight face). Here’s another bonus: you will notice an amazing glow after you wash it off.

7 – Hazelwood

Acne is caused from things such as excess debris, a lack of nutrients or an internal imbalance which results in inflammation. Knowing how acne is started and fixing the Natural Remedies for Acneproblem is what will clear your skin long-term. Baltic Essentials Hazelwood can help cure acne naturally because it is capable of helping the body restore itself to its rightful pH and promote a healthy GI system. The hazelwood also helps fight inflammation and irritation when it comes in contact with the skin. Flareup’s may very well be a thing of the past when wearing Baltic Hazelwood, not only as an accessory, but as a secret weapon.

1 Response

Edna  Rodriguez
Edna Rodriguez

April 22, 2019

Thank you for my baltics necklace for my daughters and my bracelet. On of the necklace for my 5 month old is almost thigh but there super pretty!! I’m gonna order more!

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