Flea Prevention with Baltic Amber For Dogs

Prevent Fleas in Dogs

June 02, 2016 2 min read 2 Comments

Pesky Fleas 

You are sitting in your home and you notice something oddly different with your dog; they are constantly scratching themselves or licking their fur when, at first, you thought it was nothing out of the usual. Warm weather invites many insects to come out and dance in the seemingly harmless grass. Because of this, we want to be wary and pay special attention to flea prevention during spring and summer Maybe your dog hasn't fallen victim to the "endless scratching syndrome" yet, but you want to take steps to prevent the little buggers from invading both your pet and your home.

How Can I Determine if My Dog Has Fleas Other Than Scratching?

The key indicator that your dog has fleas is if you find black specks anywhere they rest, such on the floor, bed or couch. It is flea dirt, and is fecal matter left behind from the fleas. If you do not find the black specks laying around somewhere, you can inspect your dog yourself by getting a flea comb and running it througBaltic Essentials Amber has Flea Preventionh their fur. Alternatively, you can get a paper towel and rub it across their fur to see if flea dirt appears. Fleas get take a while to get rid of so it is always best to use preventative measures to ensure your dog does not get it.

Natural Flea Prevention using Baltic Essentials Amber

Whether you have a new pup or have been best friends with your dog a while, taking care of the condition of their coat as well as the skin beneath it is important so it stays healthy. Being aware of fleas and the retributions that can come with infestation will help prevent one of the most common reasons for dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) that may result in them losing patches of fur.

A handful of pet owners use medicated foods or pills to give their dogs to prevent fleas, but it can be costly. Others prefer to find a holistic method that they can give their pets and know that it is completely safe unlike a lot of the spot-on treatments and sprays that are available. Using non-toxic, chemical free alternatives is especially important if your dog is pregnant or nursing, and you still want to prevent them from getting fleas.

Baltic Essentials Amber Necklaces are an excellent option to use as flea prevention for dogs. If your pet is allergic to certain chemicals or ingredients using traditional methods, you can give your dog this necklace knowing there are no complications that come with it. Not only is it completely natural, the attractive necklace will serve as a barrier and protect your dog(s) any time they go outside.

How Does Baltic Essentials Amber Work?

Amber is derived from tree resin that is released when your dog wears it to repel ticks from coming anywhere near them. In fact, Baltic Essentials Amber Necklaces make your dog an Baltic Essentials Amber has Flea Preventionunappealing host to fleas because amber creates an environment that makes fleas feel uncomfortable coming near your pet. It is important to clean or change the necklace at least 1-2 times a year to continue seeing optimal results from it. Your dog will never have to worry about getting fleas when they wear this.

2 Responses


May 04, 2018

i have 4 dogs and purchased these before from amber crown i was looking for a different closure than leather it swells when i wash it and it is hard to put back on

Bambi walker
Bambi walker

April 03, 2018

Would this help with bitting flys and mosquitos

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