The Best Essential Oils for Menopause Symptoms

Treat Menopause with Essential Oils

May 29, 2016 2 min read 2 Comments

The End of Menses

Every woman dreads “The Change” – the transition of life when a woman is no longer fertile and signs of age really starts to creep in. Menopause is caused by a major hormonal shift, which in turn causes several unpleasant side effects that include hot flashes and night sweats, moodiness and irritability, low sexual desire (libido) and painful intercourse, along with memory gaps and confusion.  Some women can reduce the side effects with hormone replacement therapy, but for those who are at risk categories for breast cancer and heart disease, synthetic hormones are out of the question.

Menopause is not just about the physical changes taking place in a woman’s body; there’s also a shift in emotional and mental behavior that occurs as well. Many women question their new identity in that stage of life where they have fears of becoming older and less able to do the things they enjoy.  Many menopausal women are sandwiched between caring for their children and caring for their elderly parents, while maintaining their marital relationships. In a word, menopause makes an already stressful time of life much, much harder.

Taking the Natural Route During Menopause

For women who cannot take hormones, there are a few homeopathic alternatives for relief, such as aromatherapy with essential oils. Essential oils are derived from the flowers, leaves, roots and stems of various plants and have many medicinal uses.  Certain oils have shown to be more effective than others in regards to relieving the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause.  At the top of the list are Clary Sage and Neroli.

Clary Sage is a plant native to the Mediterranean and has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant to relieve hot flashes and stress. It has an earthy, herbaceous scent.  Neroli is derived from orange blossoms and is particularly useful for balancing hormones as well as emotions.  It has a bright, citrusy, floral scent.

Next on the list are Lavender and Lemon, both classic oils with a wide variety of uses, including balancing hormones and relieving hot flashes.  Finally, Jasmine and Geranium oils with their delicate floral scents are great for soothing emotions and mood swings.  These oils can even be mixed and matched to increase their effectiveness.

Since many essential oils irritate the skin or can’t be ingested, the safest way to reap their benefits is with a diffuser. has a huge selection of beautiful Essential oil diffuser pendants that come with felt pads.  Simply place a few drops of oil on the pad, insert in the pendant and immediately begin to inhale the therapeutic aroma.  The pendant sits flat against the skin, allowing the oils to get warmed by your body heat for long-lasting use. 

There’s no need to “tough it out” when it comes to menopause, not when you can use Mother Nature’s bounty to heal your body naturally, especially when that healing comes disguised as a beautiful piece of jewelry. Get more than one and you can match them to any outfit, whether you’re in heels and pearls or jeans and sneakers. Baltic Essentials has something to fit any style and it sure beats dealing with hot flashes!

essential oils for menopause

2 Responses

Leticia Cuenca
Leticia Cuenca

December 12, 2019

Just kneed some help with my menopause symptoms 😏 Any help would be so grateful.

Kathy Williams
Kathy Williams

August 10, 2018

I am new to using oils. So all this is new to me. Any samples you offer?

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