Whether it is due to a bug bite, dry skin, allergies or a wool sweater, somewhere along the line we’ve all had an itch to scratch, and it’s usually no big deal because it goes away. However, For anyone with the eczema, the constant itching associated with the skin condition can lead to discomfort, pain, bleeding, and if bad enough, a lifetime of constant stress and irritation.
What Is Eczema?
Eczema is a condition that affects the skin, often resulting in uncomfortable or even painful swelling. Although eczema resembles an allergic reaction, it is not actually an allergy --it is a combination of factors that affect the skin. These factors cause the body to produce an inflammatory response as a defense mechanism. As the body triggers this response, a person may experience severe itchiness in the aftermath. When the eczematous skin is scratched in attempt to get rid of the itchiness, it only becomes more inflamed; making for, what seems to be, endless cycles of itch and irritation.
What Triggers Eczema, And What Can I Do To Avoid Them?
The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but many medical professionals believe it is hereditary, and risk factors are often associated with relatives who have suffered from asthma, or allergies.
It’s important to understand that none of the listed triggers actually cause eczema, but many of them have been known to cause the condition to flare up, or make existing symptoms even worse. Common triggers include:
- Irritants: While topical irritants technically don't cause eczema, they can certainly make existing conditions even worse. Certain soaps and shampoos, detergents and dishwashing liquids -- even bubble baths -- can make your skin itchy and irritated. Since certain hygiene and cleaning products are known irritants, it’s important to make a mental note in the event you switch products or stray from a routine.
- Allergens: People with eczema often feel irritated from certain environmental allergens, including pet hair (especially cat hair,) dust mites, mold, or seasonally-released pollens. If you have eczema and are exposed to any of these possible allergens, it’s always best to keep skin covered to avoid a possible trigger.
Climate: Eczema sufferers living in areas that go through the four seasons usually report that the winter months are the mostic problematic becau
se there is an increase in irritation. The dry, cold air that comes with the fall and winter months can leave the skin itchy, flaky and cracked, so it is important to moisturize the skin with non-comedogenic lotions. Keep the body hydrated from the inside is also a must; drink at least 8 glasses of water/day, and limit the length of those hot showers (even when its cold) could go a long way in alleviating symptoms.
- Food:We’ve all heard the saying, “you are what you eat,” and, while not to be taken literally, there still is a great deal of truth to it. What we eat does impact the way our bodies function, and the condition of our skin can be a reflection of the food choices we make. Dairy, soy and eggs are commonly associated with distrupting the body's normal hormal balance, so reducing to eliminating these products or finding substitutes can help tremendously. Also, implementing as many anti-inflammatory foods as possible, such as garlic, honey, fruits and raw veggies can ease redness and itchiness.
- Stress/Hormones: Although it still unclear how or why stress can affect eczema symptoms, many notice an increase of the skin disorder when dealing with stressful situations; others blame high stress levels on the condition itself! With such a perpetual cycle keeping eczema sufferers,well, suffering, keeping symptoms at bay is an essential aspect in preventing their return.
How Can Baltic Essentials Hazelwood Help With My Eczema Symptoms?
You may not be able to “cure” yourself of eczema once and for all, but there are certainly several treatment options out there to improve your quality of life, something everyone deserves for themselves, so it’s important to find a solution that works best for you. Using what we’ve witnessed work for Aboriginal cultures for centuries, we can turn to the healing power of the Hazelwood plant to feel relief and more comfortable.
When Hazelwood comes in contact with the skin, it works to create a more alkaline environment in the body, absorbing excess acidity until a proper pH level is reached. Hazelwood not only aids in preventing many of the symptoms that might occur as a result of high acidity, such as inflammation and irritation, but the healing powers found within can also help reduce the presence of harmful free-radicals with its highly antioxidant properties. Combining Baltic Essentials Hazelwood with Baltic Essentials Amber, the Baltic Essentials 17” Necklace makes for a wonderful marriage of anti-inflammatory properties found in nature to ease eczema symptoms, a day at a time.