What Causes Back Pain
Back pain, for many, comes with or without a warning. It is common for younger people to experience it when they put too much strain on the area or do improper body mechanics. Even the fittest of people cannot escape from it; back pain can creep over time due to things like putting on your shoes, slipping into bed for the night or sitting down. These activities, although simple, do have an effect on your spinal health.
While the same factors play a role for older adults as well, they are more prone to developing it simply because they are older, where muscles and bones weaken. This decline may start as early as 30-40 years of age. Younger adults often deal with back pain from the disk space (degenerative disk or lumbar herniation) asides from strains. Older adults often get it due to compression fractures and degeneration of the joints (osteoarthritis).
Other Reasons for Back Pain
There are a number of factors that may increase your risk or be the reason you feel back pain. More often than not, they are factors you can control if you want to reduce or eliminate the discomfort.
Your Occupation: Workers who spend a majority of their time lifting and bending objects are at the highest risk of pulling a muscle and injuring not only the back, but other areas as well. Those who spend just as much time sitting at a desk without getting up often enough to stretch are at just as much of a r
- It’s in Your Genes: Heredity seems to play a significant role in just about everything. Diseases like ankylosing spondylosis, a type of arthritis, can adversely affect the spine and cause back pain.
- Chronic and Acute Diseases: If you are suffering from a chronic disease such as other forms of arthritis or a cancer, your chances of going through back pain increase. Endometriosis, fibromyalgia, scoliosis, spinal stenosis, infections, and kidney stones.
Mechanical Breakdown: Wear and tear on the body, namely the spine, typically directly results in back pain. Surgeries, accidents, overuse, and age can cause abnormal spasms, tense muscles, spinal disk breakdown, and ruptured disks.
- Smoking: Smoking poses a systematic effect on the body; it doesn’t just affect the lungs. The cardinal smoker’s cough can induce back pain for some. Smoking also reduces normal healing time so the discomfort a smoker feels anywhere around the body takes a longer time to go away.
- Having a Sedentary Lifestyle: No matter how much you weigh, not working or stretching your body enough increases your changes in getting back pain.
- Being Overweight: Not being active enough and consuming more calories beyond your recommended limit will cause you to gain more than just weight. The added weight, regardless of its location, can cause pain and put added stress on the back.
Baltic Essentials Amber for Back Pain
Medicine is a multi-billion dollar industry that people use to treat, prevent, or improve their health. While no one can take away the fact that its existence has improved the lives of many, medicine is still not cure-all for everything. Many people find that other options work just as good – if not better. Others notice a significant improvement in managing their pain when they combine medicine with alternative treatment methods.
Baltic Essentials Amber has been used for hundreds of years as a reliable way to ease pain. It is made from fossilized resin and its active form, succinic acid, has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat back pain naturally. Once the beads touch your skin, the succinic acid works its way into the bloodstream where it heals the inflammation. It does such a wonderful job at treating discomfort because it is also a natural analgesic. You can relieve yourself from back pain within minutes when using Baltic Essentials products.