Balancing Your Chakra to Release Negative Emotions

Balancing Your Chakra to Release Negative Emotions

October 25, 2017 3 min read 2 Comments

When Our Chakra is Disrupted

We all have a busy and hectic lifestyle than can make us forget to do one of the important things: to take care of ourselves. While most people may think about improving things such as what they eat or becoming more active, many forget about keeping clearing the mind and body from within. There are seven main centers of our body composed of energy known as chakras that correlate to our physical and emotional ability or disability. When we do go through issues, it can weaken our emotional reaction to doing, thinking, or handling things. The existence of fears and unstable emotions result in physical restrictions such as soreness and aches that block or affect one or more of our chakra points.

Image result for balance chakra

Root Chakra

The first chakra is found at the tailbone of the spine. Emotional imbalances here include feelings that affect our most basic needs like food. Physical imbalances result in Image result for balance chakracomplications involving the feet, legs, spine, immune system, rectum, and male reproductive hormones. It can later lead to issues like constipation, knee pain, and degenerative arthritis.

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is beneath the belly button and disruption can cause urinary, kidney, and reproductive problems as well as pain at pelvis, hip, or back. Trouble with commitment, the ability to express, have fun or be creative can also be seen. Instead, fears of betrayal, impotence, and addictions may happen.

Plexus Chakra

The third is located above the belly button and one may develop GI related problems involving the digestive system, gallbladder, and pancreas. When it is out of whack one may notice self-esteem and power struggles along with fearing rejection and critic.

Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is connected to lung and heart disease, asthma, and problems related to the lymphatic system, breast, wrist, arm, back, and shoulder. One may experience an increase in anger, jealousy, loneliness, bitterness, abandonment, and over-loving to the point it suffocated them.

Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra can induce a sore throat, thyroid and facial issues, ear infections, laryngitis ulcers, and neck or shoulder discomfort. A person may feel as if they are out ofImage result for balance chakra control or have o willpower to do anything. There is a fear of no choice or power due to inhibited self-expression, whether verbal or written. 

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is at the center of the eyebrows and can cause sinus problems, blurry vision, headaches, seizures, hearing loss, eyestrain, and hormonal imbalance. Emotional imbalances may be include extreme daydreaming and imagination, moodiness, and self-reflection issues.

Crown Chakra

The seventh and final chakra is at the top of our head and can invoke depression, hinder the ability to learn, and cause extreme sensitivity to the environment, light, and sound. People may have a lack of self-knowledge and possess a rigid view on spirituality and religion. They may be confused often and, fear being alone, and are in a constant state of confusion.

Balancing Our Chakra Naturally

Physical and emotional issues can affect our lives negatively if we allow it to happen. Still, it would be hard to control our emotions if our chakras are not functioning as it should. Baltic Essentials Chakra Balance Bracelet helps balance your chakra naturally from seven healing stones. It is made from agate, turquoise, lapis lazuli, amethyst, tiger's eye, rose quartz, and malachite that help balance one's emotional state and get rid of negativity. Another benefit of the attractive rainbow bracelet is its powerful detoxification and purification abilities than can ease symptoms related to allergies and asthma. Getting your body in balance is one of the best ways to improve your outlook in life and reducing emotional and physical problems that can display outwardly. 


2 Responses

October 01, 2018

That bracelet looks really nice. I believe the most important chakra is the root chakra. Without a properly balanced root chakra even the basic things in life can become a struggle. Lack of focus, and a low sense of security can create problems in the everyday life.


November 27, 2017

If you want your root chakra unblocked then which stone would one buy? I’m not looking for a rainbow bracelet; I’m wanting something specific for root chakra.

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