Teething in Babies - All Symptoms and Treatments You Need to Know About

Teething in Babies - All Symptoms and Treatments You Need to Know About

April 09, 2021 10 min read

Your baby's first teeth are a beautiful milestone that can quickly become a nightmare. Grumpy teething while cuddling your little one is frustrating!

If nothing makes a difference, then it's time to learn how to handle teething, as well as the most common signs and symptoms, so that you can relieve your child's pain!


What is baby teething?

Is your toddler drooling a lot, or a bit more moody than usual? Their first teeth may be moving into position. Teething is one of the enormous developmental changes that your baby experiences at around 3-4 months, but it may come with some unwanted side effects as well. Many factors can affect baby teeth, including the mother's nutrition during pregnancy.

It's challenging dealing with your baby's first teeth. It's important to remember that the pain is for a good cause, and you shouldn't get angry at your baby's crying.

Let's find  out what to expect during this period of your child's growth and how to deal with the most common symptoms.


When do babies start teething?

Every baby is different when it comes to teething. Most children begin to teethe between 6 and 12 months of age, but some may get their first teeth earlier or later. So stay calm and don't worry about the timeline of their first tooth.

Even if they haven't shown any teething signs, getting bitten off guard by your baby isn't uncommon. If it happens to you, then you'll be prepared to deal with it, thanks to the tips we will give you!

Remember that it's challenging to read every sign right when it comes to little children.

A slight fever, for example, or excessive drool may signal that your baby is cutting some new teeth, but it can also mean something completely different. Whenever in doubt about what's happening to your baby's body, make sure to contact your pediatrician!

Learn more about how long does teething last.


How do you know if your baby is teething?

Sometimes you can see your baby's teeth peeking through the gums, and that will be a sure indicator that the teething phase has begun. If they start drooling more and are always looking for things to chew, then they'll probably get their first tooth soon.

Your little one can experience teething pain without physical change in the mouth. If you see any behavioural changes, always assume that it may be their teeth. Always look for more than one teething symptom before making a final assumption.

Parents know their kids best, so if you get the feeling that the recent discomfort in your baby is coming from their gum line, there's a big chance that you are right.

We know of stories where doctors have said that a baby wasn't teething, but the mother was the one who made the right call after all.


What are the common teething signs and symptoms?

In some cases, a tooth may appear without any warning, but most of the time, you will encounter some of the symptoms just before a tooth peaks out.

Below you will find the typical indicators that your teething baby will show and what you can do in those situations.


If you think your infant drools a lot, wait until they start teething. Then it will reach a whole new level, and it will make you wonder how it's possible to produce so much drool from such a small mouth. That is probably one of the most prominent teething symptoms.

Excessive amounts of stool are normal, and medical experts even state that extra saliva can help relieve the tender gums. Make sure to clean their chin throughout the day and always keep some clean clothes because their mouth can become a drool faucet some times.

Coughing & Spitting

A steady stream of saliva in the mouth can cause babies to spit and cough. As long as your baby shows no other symptoms of a cold, flu, or allergies, this isn't a cause for concern.


Teeth sticking through under the gums can cause a lot of pain in infants, which can be alleviated with counter-pressure like chewing and biting its fingers. As long as it's in the normal range, you don't have to worry about it, but make sure they don't have contact with dangerous objects!

Irritability & Crying

When the tiny tooth presses against the gums and pokes up to the surface, your baby's mouth will ache. Your child might be a little fussier and whine a bit more than usual.

Even though it won't be one of the most delightful experiences, you will get through it with the help of the remedies we'll provide you with.

Refusing to eat

Angry babies crave something to place in their mouths, whether it's a bottle of milk or their mother's breast. However, the suction of nursing can aggravate a teething baby's sore gums.

That's why teething babies can be picky about food and get irritated when their pain and tummies don't get better. It's normal for your baby to have a lower appetite during this period, but make sure to give them the necessary nutrition! Milk is very important for the child's growth.

Night waking & changes in sleeping patterns

Even if your baby has previously slept through the night, the agitation as their little teeth emerge can disturb nighttime sleep. For many parents, this is one of the most difficult challenges because the playing routines and bathing don't help anymore.

You can relieve your toddler's pain by massaging their gums or giving them something a bit cold to chew. Baby teeth can be very tricky but never lose patience. Teething is just another page of your child's development!

Ear pulling or cheek rubbing

Another one of the many symptoms of teething is ear pulling or cheek rubbing. When babies start teething, they can pull desperately on their ears or rub their cheeks or chins.

Since the gums, ears, and cheeks share nerve pathways, an ache in the gums (especially from erupting molars) can be felt elsewhere. Don't forget that ear pulling may be a sign of exhaustion or a symptom of an ear infection, so figure out what's causing it.

Gum hematoma

Have you found a bluish lump under your baby's gums? It may be a gum hematoma or blood stuck under the gums due to a tooth eruption, and it's nothing to be concerned about.

A cold compress or washcloth applied to the gums can help the pain relief process and speed up the hematoma healing. Consult your pediatric dentist if the hematoma continues to develop.

Slight temperature rise

Teething may cause your child's temperature to rise slightly, but teething is unlikely to cause a fever above 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

Contact your baby's pediatrician if your child has a body temperature of at least 101 degrees so that the cause of the fever can be determined. Any illness should be treated right away!

If your baby is showing some of the symptoms, like:

  • Drooling
  • Coughing & Spitting
  • Biting & Chewing on items or fingers
  • Irritability & Crying
  • Lowered appetite and trouble feeding
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Ear pulling or cheek rubbing
  • Sore, swollen, red gums.
  • Slight temperature rise

They will probably have their first tooth. Congratulations! Make sure to follow the tips for relieving any pain for a teething baby.

Here's a list of unusual symptoms and signs that may require a consultation with a medical expert

Teething may be unpleasant, but it rarely causes babies to become ill. If your baby has:

  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • rash
  • a higher fever
  • cough and congestion

then you should call your doctor. These aren't typical teething symptoms and you should let a professional make the correct diagnosis. Never take unnecessary risk when it comes to health.

What order do baby teeth come in?

Some babies have their first teeth when they are born. Others begin teething before the age of four months and some after twelve months.

Every new tooth will be a small trophy for your infant and the many milestones you will collect together. Here's when your baby can expect new teeth in their mouth.

Top Teeth

  • Central incisors (the front teeth): 8 to 12 months of age
  • Lateral incisors(the teeth on either side of the front teeth): 9 to 13 months of age
  • Canines, or cuspids (the sharp, pointy teeth on either side of the lateral incisors): 16 to 22 months of age
  • First molars(the back teeth used to grind food): 13 to 19 months of age
  • Second molars (the back teeth that fill in the last gaps): 25 to 33 months of age

Bottom Teeth

  • Central incisors (the front teeth): 6 to 10 months of age
  • Lateral incisors (the teeth on either side of the front teeth): 10 to 16 months of age
  • Canines, or cuspids (the sharp, pointy teeth on either side of the lateral incisors): 17 to 23 months of age
  • First molars (the back teeth used to grind food): 14 to 18 months of age
  • Second molars (the back teeth that fill in the last gaps): 23 to 31 months of age

Your child will have a total of 20 baby teeth to eat their snacks with. Baby teething is different for every toddler, and you should not feel bad that they are not doing the same as others. This isn't a race!


How do you soothe a teething baby?

When babies start teething, it's time to take care of the pain with the assistance of the best treatment you can find. Baby teeth are delicate and should be treated carefully.

Here's what top dentists recommend. Keep in mind that every baby is unique, and the effect for yours may vary.

Cold temperatures

Many home remedies are based on the concept of using something cold to soothe baby's teeth.

Pain relievers

There are many new over the counter pain relief products that promise they will deal with some of the side effects during a teething period. Be careful about products that don't have FDA approval.


Teething rings or chew beadscan be beneficial for baby's teeth, especially when chilled or frozen. These items may be the perfect solution when they start teething.


Baltic Amber teething necklaces or braceletsare amazing for teething babies as they simply wear the jewelry and do not place them in their mouth. They work fast and have lasting effects.

It's important to note that just because something is branded as a teether doesn't mean it's safe. Always make sure that the effectiveness of these products is supported by evidence!

What treatments and products you should avoid

Never use inferior products when it comes down to a baby's first tooth. It's better to spend more money than give them something that will create discomfort.

Our advice is to always seek information from a doctor or another medical professional who will give you facts without wasting your time. The content provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics for example is a good starting point.


The FDA has issued warnings against these due to potential harm to little kids. Check the health information on their website. Fluoride supplements can be dangerous for some children.

Gels with benzocaine

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is advising the public that benzocaine, the key ingredient in over-the-counter (OTC) benzocaine gels and liquids used to relieve pain in the gums and mouth, is linked to an uncommon but dangerous illness.

Methemoglobinemia is a condition in which the amount of oxygen transported into the bloodstream is significantly decreased.

Homeopathic teething gels

Always ask your dentist for an opinion and the teethers you plan on using. If homeopathic teething methods aren't supported by studies you shouldn't bother with them.


Should you use teething necklaces or bracelets?

Teething necklaces are a great solution for a teething baby. Most have reported positive feedback after using a good Baltic Amber teething necklace,

It's advisable to not follow shady links on social media, but rather ask a professional for advice.

One of the more serious concerns of parents is that teething toys may harm their baby. This may be true for teethers that are made from low-quality material, but when you use the right one, it reduces your kid's fussiness!

How to care for your baby's new teeth?

Finding the right way to soothe your little one during this uncomfortable time is a priority for every parent. The medical advice is straightforward - the best remedy for your teething baby is good oral hygiene and having something cold for chewing when necessary.

Take care of your child's teeth by brushing them at least twice a day, always after they consume something sugary and after the last meal or drink of the day. Use a baby toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste to clean your toddler's teeth and remove any tooth decay. Take care when touching sensitive teeth.

Visit a pediatric dentist who will check all of your baby's teeth to ensure that they are growing normally. The first dentist visit can usually happen within six months of your child's first tooth appearing, or by the time they turn twelve months old.


When to call your doctor about teething advice?

If your child is displaying symptoms such as fever, irritability, or diarrhea, or any other indicators of childhood disease, and you're not sure if it's due to teething or something else, it's best to contact your healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Many of the symptoms of teething can be mistaken for other conditions. If you have a concern that your baby may have developed some infections, swelling, difficulty breathing or inflammation, then set an appointment with your pediatrician immediately!



Tooth eruption begins through the gum line of an infant, and while it's part of the life of every child, it can be more of a disaster for a parent. Teething pain isn't fun, but you will get through this tough time.

As soon as you spot any teething symptoms or difference in your baby's gums, it's time to assume the possibility of welcoming baby teeth.

Take good care of your child and try to keep them content. The information on this site will help you be prepared to deal with any situation. If you have any concerns, seek medical advice!


Source & Information inspired by American Academy of Pediatrics © Copyright 2021. If you want to learn more information, go check their site here.

The material on this website is not a replacement for your pediatrician's medical treatment and guidance. Your dentist may prescribe different treatments depending on your child's particular circumstances. Take care!



  • 1. Is the first tooth the most painful? - Baby teeth can be unpredictable, and while the first tooth may cause discomfort, it can also pass without significant teething symptoms. The same applies to every future tooth that your baby has.
  • 2. How long does teething pain last before the tooth appears? - Children are different, and there isn't precise information on this question. Around 8 days is typical, but it may vary.
  • 3. What helps a teething baby sleep? - Some products may help with the pain relief and discomfort of your kid.
  • 4. How long does it take for a tooth to break through gums? - A child's body is impressive and can be very hard to predict at certain times. When you can touch the tooth through the gum, it will fully appear soon.
  • 5. Do babies nurse a lot when teething? - The conditions and pattern of teething are different for all infants, but fussiness is typical for babies at this age.
  • 6. How long do babies have teething symptoms? - One of the many concerns of parents is how long will the teething period last. The answer is between 6 and 12 months.

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