The Basics of Eczema
Eczema is unsightly and unpleasant, and unfortunately, has no cure. But it is treatable, both medically and holistically.
Eczema is a skin condition. The word is from the Greek for "boil over." The appearance of eczema is an itchy, red rash. It can appear all over the body. Most often, it appears on elbows and behind the knees. Eczema can affect people of all ages, including babies.
When babies suffer from eczema, it often appears on the face, especially on the cheeks and chin. Less frequently, eczema can also affect other areas, such as the scalp, trunk, and outer arms and legs.

Common Medical Management Techniques for Eczema
Different people may find that different things create triggers for a bout of eczema. Common triggers include irritants, like soap and cleaning chemicals; allergens, like pets and dandruff; variations in temperature, like humidity and sweat; food allergens, stress, and hormonal changes.
Knowing your trigger can help prevent eczema, even showering after a workout in warm water to prevent triggering a rash caused by extreme heat or cold, may help abate symptoms.
By identifying triggers, keeping skin moisturized, and keeping nails short to avoid breaking the skin when scratching, can all help to reduce eczema outbreaks.
In some cases, eczema patients may be prescribed treatments such as topical corticosteroids to alleviate itching or other creams, pills and treatments that help to reduce symptoms of eczema may help. While these protocols benefit eczema, they are not without various side effects.
Natural, Holistic, and Alternative Approaches to Eczema
Patients that don't get relief from traditional therapies, or wish to avoid side effects from medications, often turn to other means to treat their eczema. Natural, holistic and alternative treatments for eczema may include hypnosis to reduce stress-related outbreaks, acupuncture for nerve and itch relief, various natural oils to increase moisture and provide antibacterial elements. Diet, including the addition of certain vitamins and Probiotics and the avoidance of some trigger foods, may also provide relief for eczema.
The options for treating eczema naturally are virtually endless and may also include the use of natural elements, such as Hazelwood.
How Baltic Essential Hazelwood Can Help Treat Eczema
Many eczema sufferers have found that wearing Hazelwood can alleviate eczema outbreaks. Hazelwood helps to balance the pH levels of your body, reducing acidity, which exacerbates eczema, and creating a neutral environment that protects against eczema flare-ups
Baltic Essential Hazelwood Products are available for eczema sufferers of all ages, including babies, teens and adults.